Author Topic: Train Horns and Train Horn Kits  (Read 1165 times)

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Train Horns and Train Horn Kits
« on: January 29, 2010, 07:31:14 AM »
Train Horns and Train Horn Kits by Maximushornsystems are the loudest air horns you can buy; at least that we’ve ever tested. Some people think it’s a rather odd feature to have excessively loud train horns mounted on your car or truck. However, like anything else in the custom auto accessories world, the name of the game is to do something different or unique. Train horns are definitely that. And loud. Your standard car or truck horn is only used when needed and possibly to quickly say ‘hello’ to someone in passing. Our truck horns are a little different than that…

Train horn kits for trucks aren’t the only vehicles that can pull off the insanely loud truck horns. We’ve installed kits on everything from old school Camaros to Hummers. The train air horn was designed to be used on locomotives as a tool that indicates they are passing through areas in which pedestrians may be present. Truck horns really have no reason to be as loud as a train air horn, but then again why people install air bags on their custom rides or install a V8 into a compact car? Because it’s fun!

Car air horns should be for novelty use only and we never intend to hurt, scare or damage anyone’s ear drums compliments of the deafening rumble that emerges as the train horns let loose. We strongly advise all users, new and old, to use their car air horns with caution and be courteous of other drivers. Keep in mind, we sell the loudest train horns on the market and these car air horns will not only set off car alarms from blocks away, but could severely damage a person’s hearing. It goes without saying that all car airhorns should be used when not in close proximity to other vehicles or people.

Since we specialize in all types of air horns, car air horns and we even offer a genuine Nathan airchime train horn system - - it’s fair to say we are the leaders in custom train horns for your car,truck or SUV. Our kits come with everything you’ll need to avoid those quick visits to the local hardware store. If you’re here by chance or came specifically to buy air horn kits, you’ve made a wise move. Our Locomotive air horn technicians have put together kits for everyone from those looking for earth shaking tones to those looking to just be heard a little more than your stock car horns. Nathan train horns are some of the best sellers we’ve got, but our train horn kits come in all shapes and sizes.

A lot of your sound will depend on the size or the actual horn, but the majority of the sound and increased decibels come from the amount of air moving through each train horn. We have specifically pieced together the right sized air tanks, air lines, air compressors and horns to give you a pre-packaged car air horn kit that’s ready to **** right out of the box! Professional installation is recommended, but a little mechanical know-how can go a long way. The all-inclusive air horn kits are the way to go. Truck air horns to car air horns, we’ve got them all! Train Horns & Train Horn Kits along with the highest quality air compressors on the market FOXXAIR compressors. FOXXAIR compressors and train horn kits make for a long lasting quality system that will last for years to come.

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