MLMERS don't have a D.N.A. CLUE - We just hit 18,000 new affiliates x's $2 Bills for tuning in 20 car tags x's + 6 x $2 since we pay 6 levels = A Potential Maximum Commissions of $252,000 to pay out to the team which was earned in the 1st 8 days from go...
However if people go with the data software then we have to pay out many times such... to a MAXIMUM of $1,440,000 in full commissions... In just EIGHT DAYS... compare M.L.M. versus V.A.M.
Traditional MLM tries to get people to spend $50
to $100 a month. Which is $600 to $1200 a year.
The D.N.A. program is 100% FREE...
Let's only compare the FREE INCOME PLAN
Start with 1000 people in MLM spending $50 a month and let's say you earn 3% of the total downline would equal 3% of $50 = $1.50 multiplied by 1000 people would equal $1500
Compare that to D.N.A. 100% FREE 1000 who get their 20 Car Tags DATA = $2 each x 1000 = $2000... BUT HOLD ON...
Please keep following the logic this will change your M.L.M. thinking to V.A.M. thinking for life forever...
Since the MLM company is asking for a couple of hundred dollars up front and $50 a month which is $600 a year... The 1000 people may be able to grow to 1200 and max of 1500 people which is consider GREAT... so now we have 1200 x $1.50 for a total of $1800...
Since D.N.A. FREE is 100% FREE the 1000 could easily sponsor 1 per week and normally that would be 4000 new people... However since it is 100% FREE many of the new FREE would already sponsor other NEW FREE people into DNA giving you a total of up 9000 new people multiply that by $2 would equal $18,000.
So let's see convince people to part with hundreds out of pocket and $50 a month for $1800 RESIDUAL or convince them of 100% FREE for $18,000 of NEW $2 EARNINGS...
No one is saying you will earn $1,800 in M.L.M. or $18,000 in V.A.M. we don't dare continue this example for another 2 or 3 months... The numbers will be CRAZY...
What is Data Network Affiliates aka DNA? D.N.A. is breaking every record this industry has ever set since the beginning of time. Where else can you come into a totally free opportunity and have the opportunity to make more money than other company programs that ask for $300; $400; $500 up front and $100; $200 or more monthly...
WHY FREE... Does anyone know how much FACE BOOK IS WORTH... BILLIONS and BILLIONS... How about a little company called GOOGLE... Worth BILLIONS and BILLIONS... And then there is AMWAY not free... But also worth BILLIONS and BILLIONS...
D.N.A. is where Face Book meets Google and goes AMWAY...
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ are 3 levels of participation with D.N.A.
There will be 3 types of people in the downline
a) DNA FREE Affiliate has 8 Income Streams
b) DNA FREE Affiliate PRO has 20 Income Streams
c) DNA FREE Affiliate PRO PLUS has 28 Income Streams
A DNA FREE AFFILIATE can earn up to 8 incomes with MAXIMUM pay of $2,222,220.00 annually. This is not an earning claim we are just saying that this is the MAXIMUM that DNA is willing to pay an affiliate who stays at The DNA FREE AFFILIATE LEVEL...
1. $2 when they turn in their personal initial 20 plates.
2. $2 when they turn in their personal 20 Data Tags each month thereafter.
3. $2 when affiliates, pro affiliates or pro plus affiliates turn in their initial 20 plates on their 1st level.
4. $2 when affiliates, pro affiliates or pro plus affiliates turn in their initial 20 plates on their 2nd level.
5. $2 when affiliates, pro affiliates or pro plus affiliates turn in their initial 20 plates on their 3rd level.
6. $2 when affiliates, pro affiliates or pro plus affiliates turn in their initial 20 plates on their 4th level.
7. $2 when affiliates, pro affiliates or pro plus affiliates turn in their initial 20 plates on their 5th level.
8. $2 when affiliates, pro affiliates or pro plus affiliates turn in their initial 20 plates on their 6th level.
Anyway you want to do the math... anyway you cut it... it pays big time... welcome to D.N.A. #1 V.A.M. Program in The World...
Now after you do the numbers imagine 20 or 28 income streams when you upgrade to PRO or PRO PLUS...