A REAL business is stable, provides an equal opportunity for all members, has a superior product, has a good pay plan and passed the "test of time". Scriptures meets and exceeds all of these. We are an 11 + year old company with the "best-of-the-best" nutritional products. There is NO mandatory "auto-ship" that leaves your house full of products you cannot sell and drains your bank account!
Scriptures is a company that will increase your "health" while it increases your "wealth" with an exceptionally simple "pay plan" with up to a 25% commission. We can provide a REAL income and requires REAL work, you do not get paid a "gazillion" dollars a month to sit on your backside all day! If you are willing to put in the work and want your own "work from home" business then check us out at:
http://www.uniteforjesus.us You'll be glad you did! Thank you for your time, Dan & Carol Crowder dan_crowder3@hotmail.com