I've created a brand new virtual gift application builder called Gift Generator. It can be found here:
http://apps.facebook.com/gift_gen/It allows any Facebook user to quickly and easily create a virtual gift application that looks great. You can also place a banner advertisement of your choice inside the application (preferably from a social advertising network such as AdParlor or RockYou). This allows you to earn passive income for as long as your application is up and running!
An application that was created from it as a demo can be found here:
http://apps.facebook.com/all_holiday_gifts/Very soon, the retail version of my creator will be available for purchase to easily allow any user to create and fully customize their virtual gift application. When you buy the retail version, you will also earn 100% of the income from the application.
I sell a lot of Facebook scripts, so visit the following website to view all my scripts that are for sale: