The First Fully Integrated Marketing And Income Generator!
All you need is 2 people to fill your matrix,
get them...
- From Above you
- From Below you
- From You
- From Free Re-entries
- From Additional "filler" positions
- From the Schnaap "Flow-Up" effect
- From Team Rotator
* The Schnaap Flow-Up effect is awesome
to see - it's like dominoes in reverse! One
little sign up wayyyy down the line can cause
cycles RIPPING up the line.
There's NO LIMIT to the amount of cycles
(and MONEY) with Schnaap - FIVE big ways
to earn.
- Earn $15 every time your 2 matrix positions fill.
- FREE re-entry (over and over)
- Earn $7.50 every time a referral cycles
- THEY follow YOU every re-entry.
- Additional Filler Positions each month
- FLOW-UP effect *****
***** The Flow-Up effect takes Schnaap from
Once you Schnaap-In, the money just won't quit!
= > Let's face it, Schnaap is a BEAST! < =
Hurry up and Register FREE now - then
watch the video on the next page:
Click here to register for free: