Author Topic: Let us pay your entry AND fill your downline for you…  (Read 1685 times)

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Let us pay your entry AND fill your downline for you…
« on: July 16, 2008, 05:22:43 PM »
There is a new Program called BBS that started first of June 2008, so it is really new.
This program explains people how to make money online, how to advertise and promote online so they can be successfull online marketeers.

Next to that it is a moneymaking program as well !

Why you should join ! :

- We pay your 20$ entry into the program. If you don't like it after 1 month you just don't pay and you subscription is removed
- We will ask you to invest 15$ and you will get 3 signups, filling up your first level. We will request this from all people that join. See Matrix below. We expect to give you that 3 signups in 1 month, most likely in a few weeks.

Why should you pay 15$ ?

Because finding signups is very hard when you are unexperienced, and you want to make money via this program fast. We work together with the webmaster from Donkeymails and No-inimum, 2 paid to read programs with lots of members, to get the signups. We offer everyone the above, so your 3 signups will also get 3 signups and so on...

A Few Facts on the program!
- The product is Real Internet (Marketing) training
- BBS is also involved in other money making programs, so is not completely new, this program is.
- 3 x 6 Forced Matrix with only 1092 members

Single Position Payout Overview
Level______Members___Per Mmbr___Income____Accumulated__Yours in Month
1_________ 3_________ $1.00______ $3.00______ $3.00_______ 1
2__________9_________$3.00______ $27.00_____ $30.00______ 1 or 2
3_________ 27________ $2.00______ $54.00_____ $84.00______ 2 or 3
4_________ 81________ $2.00______ $162.00____ $246.00_____ 3 or 4
5_________243________ $2.50______ $607.50____ $843.50_____ 4 or 5
6_________ 729_______ $6.50______ $4,738.00___$5,592.00____5 or 6

Totals 1092 $5,592.00 a month

- Multiple Matrix positions are allowed and even encouraged
- BBS itself will spend 51000 $ monthly to promote this program starting 1 july 2008 (2 weeks ago)
- Sponsoring people is NOT Mandatory

Thiss means with the 15$ your first 3 signups are filled and you are waiting for them to fill theirs.

If this sounds interesting to you please do the following :

Sign up for a Pay It Global : https://www.payitglobal.c...signup.htm
This is an online payment processor to fund BBS and to receive your commission !
No need to register any creditcard/ bankaccount info to signup.

Sent me an email at : with you PayitGlobal userid and password and your emailadress.

We will open a BBS account for you (and pay for it !) and sent you the information back to login and what link to promote, and a request to pay the 15$ for 3 signups. This 15$ can be paid to PayitGlobal or Paypal.

We hope to see you soon on your way to prosperity with us in BBS !

Kind Regards,

We hope to see you soon on your way to prosperity with us in BBS !

Details about BBS on the BBS page itself :

1,000 Leads Daily - 3 Day Risk Free Trial

Business Opportunity Leads!


P.S. Do you want to see how we made $14,178.00 Dollars Last Month?

Click Here For All The Info!

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