Spending long hours in front of the television or computer is a part of peoples’ lives today. Above all, you are a computer professional, there is usually no escape. Often causes problems related to eyes and vision in the future. Here are some useful eye care tips for computer users. Search for a job outside the remote object after each 20 minutes and 30, and the gesture several times. Better be focused
Blink frequently. People on the computer while working, tend to reduce blink rate. May lead to dry eyes. Try to blink 12 to 15 times a minute.
Exercise your eyes frequent intervals. Eye exercise is simple. All you have to do is just blink several times, and then close your eyes clockwise and anti-clockwise direction to the role. While doing this, inhale and exhale slowly and open your eyes, after which it slowly.
Rub your palms, the heat turns up against each other. Cover your eyes with your palms on the heat for a minute. Palming is a great way to soothe your eyes and relax.