Vertigo, a symptom of a balance disorder, is an illusion of movement when any movement does not exist. Can be caused by a problem with inner ear balance mechanisms, or a problem in the brain. Vertigo while usually harmless, can be a sign of seriously if accompanied by difficulty to speak or walk, headaches, or double vision. Even when there are no other symptoms, it's always a good idea to consult a doctor. The same is true if episodes continue to worsen over time, or if new symptoms for diagnosing rotor, a doctor may do a series of tests. The most common diagnostic tests is a hearing test, or aliktronistagmogravi or vestibular system test, and CAT scans of the brain. Some clinics have the ability to use the bostorogravi platform to particular patient tries to maintain balance. Special register response body machines and then compare that person without Vertigo.