The tumor is benign tumours containing glandular origin. Adenomas typically comes from cells used secretion. These cells are called epithelial cells, found in all parts of the body. However, use only a portion of these secretion cells. Forms of tumours when zoom normal epithelial cells and the epithelial. cells used to produce specific parts of the body referred to glands. Glands to function for a number of articles in the body, including, but not limited to sweat and saliva, breast milk, hormones mucous membranes. Can serve just about any cell tumours glandular tumours in the body in a similar way may pose to malignant tumors or cancer. A key difference between malignant tumours is that webauram glands adenomas cancerous or extended to other members or tissue. Sometimes, however, adenomas develop into malignant tumors. When this happens, called newly adinokarsinoma tumours. Although some adenomas grow into cancerous tumors, usually not tumors after predictive development malignancy. Adenomas are benign, most are cancerous tumours. However, you may begin colorectal cancer colorectal adenomas. Additionally, you can develop bronchial adenomas of the lung cancer.