Author Topic: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy  (Read 1651 times)

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Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:14:07 AM »
Self-fulfilling prophecy change actions, and therefore, it is a true statement. For example, "I probably a lousy day," said people should change his lines and 動よう ensure forecast is met by his actions. This is the unconscious gesture. Who might endorse a self-fulfilling prophecy in a positive way, "I'm going to have a great day," actually become true this prediction method to action might be. Self-fulfilling prophecy is actually the name predates. Self-fulfilling prophecy early example is the Greece myth of Oedipus. By making an effort to avoid a prophecy Oedipus is he can kill his father and marry his mother, has played the oracle's prophecy. For prophecy Oedipus real action this can call a self-fulfilling prophecy. Robert Merton, sociologists of the twentieth century, actually coined a self-fulfilling prophecy. Perform the actions of people in his definition, in 1949, book publishing social structure, social theory, predict, prophesy false, but is true. It is only in the modern sense also prophesy false, but a value of true probability by human consciousness and unconscious behavior might be made. Self-fulfilling prophecy a lot of modern literature. For example, Harry Potter series finale now by Lord Voldemort, Harry heard some versions of the prophecy is true. When confronted with Voldemort, Harry, their battles, death attack failed, the same result, but forwarded some of his power to equal two.

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