There are many physical effects of anorexia in different parts of the body, but one of the most prominent changes to hair. For example, hair on the head tends to become brittle, thin, and then dropped. Meanwhile, fine hair may begin, the shortest appearing all over the body to help keep warm. The effects of anorexia on hair may be the most obvious symptoms of disease, but often note to all people with anorexia and close to someone with this issue., often one of the more annoying side effect of anorexia on poetry includes changes of hair on the head. One of the first signs that poetry often become thin and brittle. This is usually due to drought because of those who suffer from this eating disorder usually do not eat enough food rich in liquid, dry skin, hair, and even more fragile nails. In General, so consumption of water or drinks anorexic-calories cannot compensate for certain foods, hydrating pool such as fruit and vegetables soups. Therefore, only a healthy diet typically help reduce this impact anorexia on hair, resulting in a famous and healthy trisis.