There are a number of techniques that can be used to prevent and kalosis disposal on your feet. Also apply these techniques to kalosis on hands and knees and elbows. Be aware if is because kalosis your inherent requirement to the bones, should deal with the condition, as well as in a callus, or will keep reforming kalosis. kalosis prevention begins with your shoes. Take time to get shoes that are installed correctly, and poorly fitting shoes can lead to kalosis. Your shoes should be snug but not tight, should be wide enough to fit your feet. Ideally, they should also wear flat shoes, as heel pressure on the ball of the foot, could lead to callus formation. Take some time to find good liner for your shoes, and, wearing socks. Sports shoes can also be purchased. make many shoe linings designed to get rid of kalosis corn bonions. Common materials for these moliskine ships, and you can also purchase tapes or patches moliskine to put your feet before slipping to a pair of shoes. Be careful when using patches and flaps, which apply pressure uneven foot, which can cause more kalosis to the form. Some doctors also recommend avoidance of medical kalosis platforms for home less intrusive treatments. kalosis disposal on your feet, beginning a long bathtub. Fill the basin of warm water and Epsom salts or essential oils or even tea. These materials help to soften your skin for the next step: save files. Use pumice or feet to gently file it away in a callus, raise the dead skin and stimulate new growth. If large callus, try to take all out at once. After submission, your feet wet with intense rich moisturizer such as petroleum jelly.