Milk of magnesia liquid used in medical applications and moisturizing antasid million. Also known as magnesium hydroxide or mg (OH) 2, solution taken orally. Therefore, it was named because it appears to be milky white and contains magnesium mineral that occurs naturally. Business content for business within six hours of a dose in adults and children to relieve occasional bouts of constipation. Concentrated formula was concocted by a man named Charles Henry Phillips in 1880, and sold under Phillips milk of magnesia brand. Today, it seems right to the name "milk of magnesia" that are owned by Bayer Corporation.Milk of magnesia suspension alkaline, which means that the subject's reaction to neutralize acidic when faced with anything. This makes fighters effectiveness of excess stomach acid when taken internally. A lot of hydrochloric acid (HCl) produces stomach wall cells can lead to indigestion and heartburn stomach ulcers. Milk of magnesia is dosed in a antasid 500 mg 1.5 mg (0.02 0.05 oz) and easily enters the stomach, since combined the hydroxide ion from milk magnesia with hydrogen ions in HCL to pacify stomach auviraktiviti.