Free software is
software that allows anyone to use, copy, and distribute, either verbatim or with modifications, either gratis or for a fee. It should be emphasized, that the source code of the program should be available. `` If there is no program code, it’s not software.’’ All of the above is a simplified definition There are various ways to make a free program --- a lot of detailed questions, which can be defined in many ways and still make the program free. Some possible variations are described below.
Free software is a matter of freedom, not price. But some proprietary software companies sometimes use the term free software to show the price. Sometimes they mean is that you can obtain a binary copy at no cost, sometimes they mean is that a copy is included in the computer you buy. This has nothing to do with what we mean by free software in the GNU project.
Because this can be confusing, when a software company says its product is free software, always check the distribution terms to see if the user has the freedom that is intended by the term free software. Sometimes it really is free software; but sometimes not.
Many languages have two different words for `` free’’ as in freedom and `` free’’ as in zero cost. For example, the French have the word `` gratuit libre’’ and ``’’. In English there is the word `` free’’ is stated on the price without confusion. But there is no adjective that states freedom without confusing. This is unfortunate, because such a word would be useful here.