The private sector can also be part of greater urban developments. The development of
Houses in Kerala will get accelerated with greater private participation. With the inability of the government agencies to meet the housing demand, the private sectors’ initiatives alone is likely to bear fruit.
The private sector can certainly assist with:
1.The involvement of voluntary agencies at various stages of housing programmes, which is very much the need of the hour.
2.Their involvement will be significant because the state will act as a facilitator of developed plots, finance, building materials, and advanced technologies
3.The voluntary agencies can effectively contribute with their knowledge, skill and practical experience to meet the demands of poor for affordable shelter.
4.Housing development is not only an end in itself but can be an important means in the overall development process.
5.It is appropriate to involve voluntary agencies in shelter schemes for effective link between people and the government.
6.It is brought out by some of the studies that the pattern of publicity, complicated registration procedures, lack of community participation for self-help groups, lack of motivation for maintaining the colonies, lack of information or institutional finance are some of the important reasons, which prevented the social housing schemes in reaching the target groups. The involvement of voluntary agencies in all these aspects would go a long way for a successful implementation of shelter schemes.
7.In order to encourage to the construction of houses at a faster rate by the private builders, the state should evolve clear-cut policies and guidelines for obtaining sanctions for various activities involved in house construction.