Is most often used dried ginger in the form of land, which are generally available in the spice section of grocery stores. Although most people associate gingerbread with cooking and spicy foods, and believes that the health benefits of ginger to be many. It is a favorite destination of many herbal practitioners, and can be purchased in capsule form in most health food stores. It is believed that the primary health benefits of ginger for its anti-inflammatory intestinal relief.Double blind studies seem to indicate that ginger may be effective in alleviating the distress of several types of stomach. In addition to reducing gas, may also reduce the ginger and nausea, especially in circumstances such as seasickness and motion sickness. It seems that the results of studies suggest that substantially reduces many of the symptoms associated with this condition when you use ginger as a remedy. In addition to relieving nausea and ginger on what appeared relieved symptoms such as cold sweats, headaches, and dizziness. According to another study in the medical journal "Osteoarthritis Cartilage," highlighted the health benefits of ginger in collaboration with the pain and swelling due to arthritis. The study included 29 patients, and more than 75% of them responded well to treatment with ginger. According to the study, and each of the arthritis pain and swelling decreased significantly. Most researchers believe that the health benefits of anti-inflammatory properties of ginger is due to compounds called gingerols.