Headache specialists have expertise in the brain and problems with brain function - is a doctor. Cluster migraine headaches, post concussion, headache, visual impairment, headaches or long term: You have four conditions should see a headache specialist. This is like a normal headache, periodic medical attention.A stress that require a tension headache, it is important to distinguish between an adult and child is often. Stressful situation is slowly beginning to feel the pressure can be caused by hunger and fatigue. These types of headaches, weakness is not annoying. Deep breathing, relaxation techniques, sleep or counter headache treatment is usually eye, nausea, and sensitivity to noise behind the sudden onset, sharp pain hours.A three to two to cure this type of headache in cluster headache. This type of headache is pretty weak, does not improve over the counter drugs. Your personal information on how to manage this type of headache or prescription drugs available, please refer to the experts to determine the trigger headaches. Post-concussion headache occurs within 12 hours of head injury. Presence of headaches after the collision, can be an indication of internal damage. It is important that you consult a doctor immediately. Concussion occurs when there is damage to the brain due to trauma or shock. Never your vision of post-concussion impact should be a visit to a specialist headache headache.Any OTC headache medication. Vision changes, sudden headache, decreased vision in conjunction with emergency medical care and are considered to be blurred, and requires immediate assistance. Brain special skills or equipment to diagnose a very complex organ, it must treat the issue from the brain.