If you have an abscessed tooth, a small hole or pocket formed adjacent teeth will develop. The hole will be filled with pus, and if it is naturally drain away, then will show a boil. The most common causes of an abscessed tooth and gum disease cavities.Gum disease, or as it is called healing, periodontal disease, a bacteria build up in plaque around the gums and teeth caused. Bone and gum disease is an infection of tissues that support teeth. It is very light, in which case there's only bleeding when teeth and gums are pushed be. If left untreated, tooth loss.Cavities resulting in a serious condition due to an abscessed tooth holes in the teeth may appear to be developed. Cavities are usually caused by tooth decay. Plaque acid to eat away at teeth and teeth to break through the outer wall causes. Serious cavities should be filled by a dentist in order to prevent decay and teeth to prevent any further destruction.