Many people with the way the economy is going are turning to the internet for ways to make money online. While many try "get paid to click" or "get paid to fill out survey's" they will find that those don't pay you enough online income unless your into earning pennies.
Multi-Level-Marketing(MLM) is still the best way to create wealth online over time. Some do not consider MLM a real online job but the checks that I get in the mail every month tell me differently and at the end of the year some companies like Global Domains Int. send out 1099's . That tells me Uncle Sam thinks MLM is the real deal too.
I have been getting paid from companies like Global Domains Int.,PM ebooks and Addwallet for years .whether your looking to supplement your income or replace it. Working online from home makes it not only possible but enjoyable. Some of the obvious benefits are; you can go to work in your PJ's, no traffic jams,no baby-sitters ,be home with the family and you can make money while you sleep.. try doing that at your 9-5 job.
So now what? Educate yourself on what companies are legitimate home based businesses , what products do they have, how expensive is it to join and do they have training for you on how to market your new business. Find someone who is making money with the business and ask what they do for advertising and see how they would help you if they become your sponsor.
There is nothing wrong if you tried a online business that you thought was a winner and they tanked.. just move on to the next one with your lessons learned along the way.
You will never reach success without going through some difficulties and the only way you will ever really fail is if you give up. Some Online Businesses will come and go but you are here to stay.. learn your lessons well and the checks will begin to come.