•Cardio constitutes as an effective means of reducing belly fat, provided you keep it within reason. Losing belly fat with cardio is a tool. There is no way to target fat loss in any area of your body. You need to lose some of that extra fat over your abs. Even if you work out and get huge abs muscles, if there is still a layer of fat over them no one will ever get to see them. Cardio workouts are workouts that raise your heart rate for a given set of time. Some examples would be running, jogging, cycling, dancing and rowing.
• Doing 20-30 minutes of high strength gap training three to five times a week is enough to boosting your metabolic rate and burning fat.
•Add stomach exercises to your workout. Simple exercises such as sit ups, pushups, pull ups, Squats, leg lifts and basic abdominal crunches and turn around abdominal crunches can contribute toward that curved flat stomach you need.