Pure fish oil is a natural health supplement that is free of pollutants and toxins. While fish oil supplements usually can be found in the open market, contain many of dioxin, arsenic, lead, PCBs), mercury, or other toxic chemicals. Fish oil pills provide a number of health benefits, due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. Fatty fish, including tuna and salmon, are a good source of oils - 3 omega. Due to the risk of mercury poisoning, poisons, and other concerns, people tend to not eat large amounts of fatty oils - 3 fish.Omega does not occur naturally in other foods, despite the fact that the human body needs in order to survive. Generally, omega - 3 oils reduce inflammation in the body and keep blood from forming harmful clots. It is also known to lower cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of obesity, and even prevent the growth of cancer cells.Pure fish oil supplements provide all the benefits of eating fatty fish without any risk. In fact, many doctors recommend a pure fish oil supplements because of the numerous health benefits. For example, it helps to lower cholesterol levels, and can be pure fish oil reduces the risk of heart disease. Fish oil also increases the effectiveness of exercise as a tool to lose weight.