Author Topic: February 8, 2014 - Arduino Circuit Boards  (Read 774 times)

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February 8, 2014 - Arduino Circuit Boards
« on: January 20, 2014, 02:18:01 AM »
February 8, 2014 - Arduino Circuit Boards

Come learn how to program a circuit board to run motors and lights! If you already have Arduino experience, there will be an advanced class running at the same time!
Elementary and middle school will attend the morning session 9-noon
High school students will attend the afternoon session 1-4 PM ( if fewer than 12 high school students register - we may move their class to the morning, but we will let parents know about the change by Wednesday before the event) 


Share:Innovation in the Classroom using Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Kinect, etc.

How can we use technology to foster invention, innovation and creativity?  This class explores the use of a variety of tools and techniques to enable students to think “outside the box” and create more than they ever thought possible.

Hands-on interactive labs will explore and teach the use of a host of tools including the Arduino Uno,
Arduino Compatible Raspberry Pi, Kinect, and others.  Discussions will also include human-computer interaction and how it can be enhanced through virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D ( 3D printers) and immersive video, haptic and force feedback, and a variety of simulators.  Examples of each will be demonstrated.

The goal is to explore the options available for the classroom and allow instructors to push students to learn in an unusual environment.

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