Arduino Starter Kit
Interested in Arduino, but can't figure out how to begin? This Arduino starter kit will ease your confusion with a 170 page book explaining how Arduino works, an Arduino UNO
Microcontroller Kits Boards & Tools, and parts for 15 introductory projects.
Arduino is an open-source, flexible microcontroller system created to aid designers, artists, students, and tinkerers in completing electronic projects. Arduino works by receiving information from sensors and interacting with its environment through lights, motors, and other actuators.
Arduino is a powerful tool, but getting started can be an intimidating prospect. Luckily, there's a convenient starter kit to help you on your journey. Inside is a 170 page book, outlining 15 different projects that can be completed with the contents of the kit. The projects start out simple, but ramp up in complexity. Completing them all should provide a firm groundwork for exploring the world of Arduino on your own!
An Arduino board and all the parts to complete the projects are also included in the box. Most of the parts included have broad usefulness within the Arduino ecosystem, so you can feel free to keep them handy as the seeds of your new microcontroller laboratory.
Kit contents:
1 Arduino Projects Book (170 pages)
1 Arduino UNO board rev.3
1 USB cable
1 Breadboard
1 Easy-to-assemble wooden base
1 9V battery snap
70 Solid core jumper wires
2 Stranded jumper wires
6 Photoresistor (VT90N2 LDR)
3 Potentiometer 10k ohm
10 Pushbuttons
1 Temperature sensor (TMP36)
1 Tilt sensor
1 alphanumeric LCD (16x2 characters)
1 LED (bright white)
8 LEDs (red)
8 LEDs (green)
8 LEDs (yellow)
3 LEDs (blue)
1 Small DC motor 6/9 V
1 Small servo motor
1 Piezo capsule (PKM17EPP-4001-B0)
1 H-bridge motor driver (L293D)
2 Optocouplers (4N35)
5 Transistor (BC547)
2 Mosfet transistors (IRF520)
5 Capacitors 100nF
3 Capacitors 100uF
5 Capacitor 100pF
5 Diodes (1N4007)
3 Transparent gels (red, green, blue)
1 Male pins strip (40x1)
20 Resistors 220 ohm
5 Resistors 560 ohm
5 Resistors 1k ohm
5 Resistors 4.7k ohm
10 Resistors 10k ohm
5 Resistors 1m ohm
5 Resistors 10m ohm
Note: As Arduino and
Cheap Arduino Compatible requires learning the Arduino programming language and some degree of electronic knowledge, Parts Express recommends it for experienced and dedicated hobbyists. We suggest thoroughly reading the materials available on the Arduino homepage before proceeding.
Arduino homepage:
Official Arduino forum:
Their partner:
Raspberry Pi,
Robot Kits,Robot Toys