Tired of scrolling thru the ads? It's hard to start looking through the Craigslist ads for Las Vegas office space when there is so much repetition. St Rose Executive Suites and Virtual Offices is a polished and professional office building located on St Rose Parkway and Eastern. The best possible location for the best services, space and views. [/color]
No need to over advertise. All you need do is visit us to see your search is over. All inclusive office space for small businesses, sole practitioners, or regional office managers. Owning your own space is expensive and takes valuable time and money better left to office providers who specialize in caring for small business owners such as yourself. Receptionist to handle, forward and transfer your business calls in your company name. Mail service to handle all incoming and outgoing mail and packages. Conference rooms with sweeping views of the Las Vegas Valley and Strip.
Virtual office services that make remote operation a breeze while maintaining a presence in the business world as a professional.
Stop scrolling now and call Chris Travica for details or to schedule a tour of our clean and welcoming facility.