investing shares online today has become very popular. people are investing and earning some income for them selves. one can buy and also sell shares online. we receive dividend for each stock we subscribe for. the rate of dividend depends up on the number of stocks. the more number of shares, the greater will be the rate of dividend and vice versa. you can receive them weekly, monthly and also yearly. shares of internet companies can help you generate a lot of money for one self. also it is very convenient as you have to operate on a computer . all you require is a personal computer or a laptop connected to the internet. you must try to invest only how much you can afford or else you wont be able to bear the losses. before thinking of investing, one must go through the companys web site and must be aware of the terms and conditions. it must be a real web site and not a fake one or else you will be in trouble. so great care must be taken while taking such decision. 83861