Author Topic: Free Upgrade to 1000 mbps Internet Connection Speed for All Cloud And Dedicated  (Read 824 times)

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We are happy to announce our forthcoming Network Upgrade to have 1000 mbps Internet Connection Speed for all our Cloud And Dedicated Servers including CPanel, ItelSwitch and VoipSwitch Servers.
 We will start this huge Network Upgrade process from next week, and expected to finish within 4-5 weeks.
 Once it is finished Every Server in our Network Including Cloud Servers will have 1000 mbps Internet Connection Speed.
 Take our FREE 24/7 Monitoring and E-Mail Alert service to keep track of this change.
 You can check this Demo to see how it works.
 Login Name: john
 Password: Simple123
 (Plese send an email to to setup your  24/7 Server Monitoring and E-Mail Alert Service for all your Servers, not just iTelSwitch. It is a FREE Service for all our customers.)
 Thanks for your cooperation and continued support,

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