Author Topic: Designed Specifically for Beginning Marketers  (Read 1445 times)

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Designed Specifically for Beginning Marketers
« on: December 04, 2008, 05:05:18 PM »
Learn Marketing And Generate Income at the Same Time!
Designed Specifically for Beginning Marketers
New: as of 11/2008 You can Evaluate this Online Marketing Program
FREE for 7 Days

New Marketers are Earning Money Daily.

Specifically Designed for New Marketers.
This program offers a Free 7 day Trial Option to all Serious Work from Home Beginners the Opportunity to both Observe and Evaluate before committing any personal investment.
For Zero out of pocket expense you will evaluate two Income Generating programs, including Advertising for one week.
At the end of that week You will be in a position to make an informed decision.
Continue for a month for ten dollars, or opt out and pay Nothing.

Calculate what this Opportunity Offers, you'll learn how YOU can use this Program to Improve Your Financial Situation, While at the same time Learning Internet Marketing Skills, Regardless of Your Background, Education, Computer Skills or Present Income level. All for Zero out of Pocket for 7 day's and ten dollars per month thereafter. By the end of 30 day's, you will have had time to evaluate both programs, examine your results, make an informed decision, and spent ten dollars.
Quite frankly if your not willing to invest ten dollars in Any program out there, you should reconsider online marketing.

This program is Acme People Search, it was created by Tissa is a very Successful, Affiliate Marketer, he had made Millions before creating his Acme People Search Engine.
Why People Search? People Search is a High Demand Search Destination with Over 20 Million
Online Searches Monthly and Growing.

Frequently ask Questions

Q: What is this Program

A: Simply put Acme People Search is a Search Engine that has access to various databases. Technically It works like any other search engine: People enter keywords and get free results. But here's the difference: Every time users get results, You get affiliate commissions! Imagine having a search engine where you get paid every time users get results! There's no big secret about the affiliate products themselves - they're promoted by many affiliates. What's unique is the TECHNIQUE this search engine uses to generate your Affiliate Commissions and Referral bonuses.

Q: What does an Acme People Search Site look like?

A: All of the Acme People Search "Search Engines" start out looking identical, the only difference would be the title, (name) You choose your own page name. Keep that in the back of your mind, My only advise: Use something with the keywords People Search or Search in it.
(It's your website) Name it whatever you like.
Here's mine if it Helps. (I think it's kinda catchy)

Q: This is all Nice but How Does this Work?   ???

Answer:> Affiliatize, : Monetize, : Advertise
#1 First you Sign up > (Affiliatize)
#2 Second you pick your Search Engine Name,
#3 You choose your Web site Hosting plan two options. :> (Monetize)
#4 Tissa downloads your Personnel Search Engine onto whichever host you chose
#5 Tissa Immediately begins Advertising your Personal Search Engine On Google, Yahoo, Msn, and various Social networking sites. ::> (Advertise)

Q: How do I make Money

A:> Once your Search Engine is up and running, think of it as being on autopilot.
Someone goes to say Google to Search for someone.( Over 20 Billion People do that Monthly!) They get directed to your site from Tissa's ongoing Advertising Campaign.
They do a Search on your People Search Site, You receive Affiliate Commissions,
There are several good paying Affiliate commissions embedded in your Search Engine.
Some pay more than $30.0 one pays just for someone doing a search. You also receive up to 30 dollars referral fee.

1st: You receive referral Fees from Clickbank
2nd: Reunion Pays you for simply Referring Leads Plus 25% of all resulting Sales.
3rd: HD Publishing Pays you $20 for anyone using links from this page.
4th: Your Direct Referral Link Pays you up to $30 per signup link.
5th: Additional income provided should you choose GDI as your web site host.

See the GDI advantage

There also is a $125.00 bonus for signing up!

1,000 Leads Daily - 3 Day Risk Free Trial

Business Opportunity Leads!


P.S. Do you want to see how we made $14,178.00 Dollars Last Month?

Click Here For All The Info!

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