Author Topic: Just Released! EVERYONE Earns...NOONE Pays!  (Read 1444 times)

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Just Released! EVERYONE Earns...NOONE Pays!
« on: February 06, 2009, 03:20:18 PM »
Hi Folks, I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be able to introduce to you...

"The Web Your Way" .

Just Launched!

For the first time ever, Everyone now has the opportunity to earn a substantial income from home with no investment and no selling! If you can download "The Bar" and can view can earn.

Share this with your friends, your family, your fellow networkers or ANYONE with an internet connection and earn even more!

How many times have you heard "Get In On The Next Google". I assure you, If there ever was an opportunity to be at the beginning of something that could even compete with the giants out there, this is it!

Once you download the bar you can actually watch as your income grows...

I can honestly say that this is the first opportunity I've ever seen that absolutely appeals to everyone, regardless of where they are, who they are, or level of experience! ANYONE with an internet connection who knows others with an internet connection now has the op.portunity to significantly change  their financial situation with absolutely NO RISK, NO Selling, and NO Investment, Ever! (Wander what some of the non-profits are gonna think about this)?!

To give you a general idea of what the potential is here, just go to your site, before you log in, click on "Tell Friends"  on the right hand side of the page and then "Calculator" . Play with the numbers a bit. It should already be set at 5,5 and 5. In other words, you share this with JUST 5 folks who share it with 5 who view JUST 5 a'ds/day. Then look at what your monthly in-come will be! Not bad for a F'ree Op'portunity! Get paid on everyone in your downline 7 levels deep!

     If you haven't done so yet, now would be a great time to set up your "Bmail" account-another feature that will prove to be very beneficial to you as time goes on. If you are not aware, the Bmail is a f'ree e-mail account provided by "The Web Your Way" to every member. What makes this so unique is that when you send or receive an e-mail to/from another member, a'ds will be displayed with-in the e-mail itself that can be viewed and earned on!

 ALSO, you have the option of having "The Bar" automatically display a'ds as you surf the net. Just click on "The Bar" on the far left hand side of the tool bar. In the Drop Down menu you'll see :"Auto View A'ds On/Off" Just click on this 1 time and then refresh your page.  Periodically, as you refresh or change pages, the a'ds will display on the left hand side of your screen. Click on the a'ds, look over the page for around 5 seconds and then view the next one. That's all there is to it!

What a powerful alternative to traditional fund raisers or drives. Folks have a hard enough time just getting by and taking care of their families. There's just "Too much month left at the end of the money" for people to be able to give like they were once able to. Now, comes along, "The Web Your Way", where members can donate nothing more than a few minutes/day clicking on ads that pop on their computer screen. Again, no buying!

This is not a Get-Rich-Quick-Do-Nothing program. But, if you truly believe
in yourself, will take the right action, and will be able to get in early,
you will be in the best position to earn, and EARN BIG, on this newest
income-generating program.

Let me throw you a question here... In most programs, who earns more, the
one who joined the day the program started and work for it, or the one
who've just know and joined the program 3 months after it had launched?

Well, obviously, and based on experience, those who've joined the program
before the rest of the world does, earn more money than those who haven't.
And, much more, depending on the type of the program,
those who joins first, even earn better income even if they don't work
hard for it. This is one of those programs.

Folks, this company is set to change the way things are done on the net. I hope you understand and appreciate the o'pportunity and unique position we are in! Can you think of a more powerful concept, where anyone, anywhere can better their lives without having to risk a thing?

As always, questions, comments, concerns? Contact Me!


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P.S. Do you want to see how we made $14,178.00 Dollars Last Month?

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