How to Grow Your Business Using E-Books
Dear Friends,
Only a few short years ago, E-Books were irrelevant. Today, E-Books have become an extremely powerful tool for test marketing a book, generating revenue, building up an email list, producing leads for your business, starting a small business, generating greater profits and expanding your reach.
As a special gift to my subscribers, I have persuaded
David Riklan , the
founder of and e-book marketing genius, to offer an exclusive
free TeleSeminar on “The Power of E-Books and E-Book Marketing”. To sign up for this no-cost TeleSeminar, go to David has developed an astonishing strategy using E-Books to help him generate massive revenue, increase traffic to his website and help build up an enormous email list of over 950,000 subscribers! In one 24-hour campaign, he generated $108,142 in revenue from E-Book sales alone. He has used this same E-Book strategy to help make his website the
#1-ranked Self Improvement website on the Internet. now gets over 900,000 visitors a month.
In addition to the $108,142 that he earned, he has used free E-Books to generate many thousands of qualified subscribers and even used his first E-Book to test market his successful print book. Best of all….he created an informative useful E-Book from scratch in less than one week! Sound enticing? During this informative free TeleSeminar, he’ll teach you how you can do the exact same thing -- and more!
Whether you are an author, a small business owner, or have a great book in your heart, an effective E-Book strategy is necessary to skyrocket you to success in 2008!
He only has room for
100 of my subscribers to attend this exclusive seminar, so sign up fast while
space is still available. To sign up now, go to Warmly,