Brand New Social Network Music Site Launching
IMAGINE a Portal as MySpace or Facebook where you can promote on 40 pages instead than ONE page only.
A few facts & benefits:
- Every time you chat with others You´ll get Paid!
- When people visit your pages - You´ll get Paid!
- Send a message to another person and You´ll get Paid!
- Play music from a database of 250,000 songs and You´ll get Paid!
- Create a free email address and Get Paid each time you send or receive emails!
- Every time visitors watch a video on one of your 40 pages You´ll get Paid!
.... also when you add videos on YouTube and other channels You´ll get Paid!
- Create a blog and Get Paid! - Write a few words on a BLOG and Get Paid!
- Introduce others to this new, sophisticated "MySpace" -"Facebook" Concept and receive a very generous monthly
income and revenue sharing from advertising plus a fantastic residual income too. Experts are telling us that this
will be bigger than Myspace, Facebook and Youtube!
3 x 10 Matrix.
Fast Start Bonus.
Monthly Residual Income.
Company Profit Sharing Pool.
Page View Revenue Sharing Pool.
Matching Bonus on page views 5 levels deep.
Matching Bonus on company profit sharing pools 5 levels deep.
3 additional pools Silver, Gold & Platinum.
Very Affordable - 3 levels to get started FREE member, paid member $19.99 & pro member $59.99.
This is a Pre Recorded call
(641) 715-3900
pin code 64262#
Do you know that MySpace has 258,990,000 members as of 3/11/09 how much MONEY did MySpace pay YOU? or Facebook or
ZenZuu. Now you can make MONEY with My Music Ticket Social Networking.
If you are interested please email me at with "Line Me Up" in the subject. Also include your
full name, number & email plus on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) your level of interest & I will put you
in line for consideration. I will also update you with our live calls and announcements.
Take a look at my music site splash page, listen to the pre recorded call and send me an email really don't want to miss this!
Sonya Parsons Earn great income with new company, Marketing system promotes the business for you, plus promotes any other programs or products you may have.