Author Topic: Common Mistakes That Can Make Your Daycare Center Fall Apart  (Read 1232 times)

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Common Mistakes That Can Make Your Daycare Center Fall Apart
« on: April 17, 2009, 10:33:54 PM »
Lack of a set curriculum or structure.

If you’re looking for quality families and parents who care about their child’s development then you want to make sure you have a program that nurtures, educates, and challenges children. Parents are willing to pay you well if they feel you have a great program. You will also have a greater opportunity to increase your enrollment if you have people asking to enroll in your center. A lousy program, watching T.V. not going outside will hurt you in the long run. You’ll have problems enrolling children and the children who you do enroll may not want to pay.

Unlicensed Operation

License is very much important when you run your own home daycare. This is because you are practically dealing with children all day and can definitely risk their condition. If there are accidents and emergencies, chances are you will be at great fault for not being able to take care of the children and operate within the boundaries set by the state as well.

Unsafe Daycare Center Facility

Safety and security are two of the most important things in a daycare center. You have to be able to make sure that the location of your daycare is perfectly suited for children and that your daycare center would also be a good place where children can play around.

Is it Necessary to Get License for your Daycare?

Is it necessary to get license for your daycare? The very obvious answer is definitely yes. Although getting a license for your daycare center has both advantages and disadvantages, there are still far more advantages to it. Your daycare center can only be successful when you apply for a license. Remember were in this business to provide quality childcare, and to have longevity (no burnout).

1. Daycare license can protect you from several types of legalities.

2. Safety is of greatest importance to your daycare center. Promote the right rules and regulations for your daycare center.

3. Rules and Regulations for daycare licensing promote quality daycare.

4. Rules and regulations are there to protect the parent and their children. Parents who find providers who are licensed have greater trust in them.

5. Some states require you to be licensed to collect state aid payments or be a member of their food program- this equal’s more money for you.

Many providers do not have daycare licenses and do operate with numerous children in their care and from daycare licensing standards are over their numbers even if they had a license.

License is really important. It is especially important for you to know that the success of your daycare center actually rely on the quality of the services that you provide. Not only this, you daycare center needs to be able to pass or even surpass the standards set by your prospective clients and customers altogether as this is one thing that can determine the success of your business.

For more: How to start a daycare business by

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