Hello I've only been here a few times and I'm suffering from info over load, So hope I'm doing this correctly.
FREE and good, Think I have 8 people now signed up under me, it's still in the Early Beta stage and hear and will get better,
I know that after August first (or) September 1st the people just joining after that ..Will need 100 sign ups to have the same
results we get for only 10 sign ups, So join NOW tell all your friends/family who will join.
You only need to log in and out 30 times within the month to be considered an active member, and yes you can do that in any course of time you want, be it minutes, days, hours or the month, just as long as you've logged in 30 times.
It will get interesting as time goes, payments start in Sept, I don't let that deter me. it's FREE money. FREE advertising,
and I wont need as many people under me to start, I wish I had MORE time to promote it, I'm sure I would have a lot more people in by now. There is one fellow who has over 700 in his group.