Author Topic: let me pay your entrance in teamearners...  (Read 1583 times)

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let me pay your entrance in teamearners...
« on: June 07, 2008, 05:50:24 PM »
I have a proposal to you that might interest you.
I recently joined teamearners. The program itself is quit simpel, you pay 13$ for 6 months and get access to all kind of sources on online money making.  So you learn to make money and can put it to practice right away as well !
You can make money via this program by getting people to join you.
You get 2$ per person that joins, 5 levels deep.
This means if you find 5 people to join (= 5 times 2 = 10$) and they find 5 (= 5 times 5 times 2 = 50$) and they find 5 (= 5 times 5 times 5 times 2 = 250$) and they find 5 (= 5 times 5 times 5 times 5 times 2 = 1250$) and they find 5 (= 5 times 5 times 5 times 5 times 5 times 2 = 6250$) you will be paid $ 7810 .
In short :
                          people    $ per p.     $ total
You find  5             5            2                10
Those 5 find 5       25           2                 50
Those 25 find 5    125           2               250
Those 125 find 5   625          2             1250
Those 625 find 5  3125         2              6250
This will leave you with $7810, and this is only with 5 people!
With 7 people it is $39,214 every 6 months, with 10 people even $222,220 every 6 months!
This is my proposal : I want to pay your 13$ signup fee for you. Only thing you need to do is use the tools below to advertise it AND register/ pay for 3 to 5 people yourself.
Let me explain... If I pay for the signup for 5 people I pay 65$. I will get 10$ in return (the referral bonus). If those 5 people pay for 5 people they pay the same = 65$ and get 10$ in return. Those 25 however give me 50$ so I am allmost at breakeven. If those 25 pay for 5 I will get 250$. If this story continues I will get the 7810$ .. of course if it works I will not stop at 5....
Of course same story is valid for you... Do you think this will work ?
 I will sent you :
 - my list of safelists, forums to advertise for free
- a list of cheap paid to read programs (you can advertise for around 1 dollar to thousands)
- a List of 120000 email adresses from Free-Leads (this program has captured email adresses
  of people interested in making money online)
- the free-leads site giving you 1250 fresh email-leads weekly
- a forum poster to autopost to forums
- another list of 1200 safelist to advertise for free
- all the help you need from me to make this a success, I will also advertise for you!
If you succeed I succeed and we will all succeed !
If you are interested, please reply to this post or email me at and let me know that you want to try this...
I will believe you on your word
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