Most gamblers are by nature superstitious, at least to some degree, and luck, good or bad, has its influence.
The charms with special “powers” are:
Horseshoe magnet because of its reputed magnetic money drawing power.
A pig charm – prosperity.
A number 13 charm – luck for gamblers. Although 13 is considered basically unlucky, the charm has the power to reverse the bad luck to good for gamblers.
Hamsa hand – enhances good luck by thwarting the “evil eye”.
Gold wishbone set with a pearl – makes wishes come true.
Silver money bag with a $ sign – wealth.
Strangely enough, these good luck objects can have a positive effect on the believer. Playing poker and knowing that a harbinger of good luck is on your person gives many gamblers a feeling of well being and confidence as well as helping to relieve stress.
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