Non-steroid hormone hydrocortisone what is necessary in a number of body functions, particularly in proper absorption and use of carbohydrates. This hormone is also important to maintain healthy levels in the blood pressure. Along with the natural hormone that is produced in the adrenal cortex, it is also possible to use synthetic supplements to treat many different medical conditions. Is also found in a number of hormone drugs without a prescription developed to ease the muscle pain and inflammation. Many people make use of hydrocortisone cream or lotion on a regular basis. The products can be useful in alleviating inflammation, itching and pain in general with a number of skin irritations. Can be used as a model solution or hydrocortisone cream to relieve discomfort associated with diaper rash, insect bites, and skin irritations, which are the symptoms of some type of allergy. Of over the counter products usually contain low amounts of the hormone, making it safe and effective for just about everyone.