Although typically associated with epileptic seizures cause abnormal behavior is unwilling that can come from other sources. Epilepsy, from which the main categories of two seizures and outgoing "part" and is classified by its location in the brain, "generalized." Partial seizures, the start area understated of the brain The. Simple partial seizures can cause a change in consciousness. Patients weakness, abnormal smell or taste that might have a sense of numbness. In some cases, muscles and limbs, the temporal lobe and consciousness, paralysis, seizures and vision changes that are being changed vertigo.Complex head partial seizures arising from the rotation. Patients usually interact with their environment and, sitting standing walking in a circle and has the ability to change the automatic operation can be shown to strike or his lips. In many cases, an odd thought occurs, such as patients with uncontrollable laughter and an odd smell and the sense of deja vu.