Liquid kelp, vitamins and minerals, dietary supplements are consumed every day is made. Seaweed species are classified as large brown algae found in shallow water - which is derived from kelp. Kelp is known for rapid growth in nutrient-rich waters. Sea vegetables, kelp, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and contains many minerals, including iodine. Scientists and thyroid dysfunction has been used as a dietary supplement to prevent the absorption of fat, obesity.Kelp Sato Mina is a liquid seaweed supplement a variety of medical conditions and supplements. Researchers algenate fiber material known as seaweed, has been found that fat blockers. Liquid kelp supplement, obesity, respiratory disease, arthritis, constipation, has been used to treat heart disease. Kelp, healthy skin, nails, and nutritional supplements to restore hair. Facials, body spray products, purified water and liquid kelp, in combination to protect your skin from sun damage, it is also a common ingredient in all natural shampoo and conditioner.