Author Topic: Aloe Extract  (Read 1573 times)

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Aloe Extract
« on: March 03, 2011, 12:38:09 AM »
Aloe extract may refer to both products of the aloe vera plant. One type of Aloe is a gel which is excreted from the leaves of damaged plants. The other type, called aloe juice is coming from the inner surface of the latex of the aloe leaf. Juice Aloe, parenteral nutrition supplement.Aloe is now native to the Mediterranean gel aloe while being sold is a succulent plant that is grown throughout the world, the sun, a wide variety of local state of minor skin and cut small applications have. This is a large serrated edges, thick, 39 inches with a sword like leaves (99 cm) can grow in height. You may have a yellow or orange flowers of older plants. Many varieties of aloe, aloe vera only, are considered to have medicinal properties that are true or aloe. You can use this as a traditional medicine, healing plants, and aloe can be obtained by squeezing the leaves from the plant cut back date back thousands of years.The gel. This gel can be applied directly to skin. Aloe vera gel to soothe, as well as tanning, is used to reduce the damage of other minor burns. In addition, small cuts and abrasions, which can be used over and is considered to shorten the healing time. It is a common ingredient for creams and lotions for moisturizing properties of aloe extract. In its pure form, or other ingredients.Latex cream or ointment containing aloe extract, that the sap is derived from the aloe leaf juice and yellow products are sold in natural first aid. The extraction of juice to make a crystal that is sold as a dietary supplement tablets and is usually dried. The active ingredient in aloe latex, which acts as a catharsis anthroquinone glycoside digestion. Aloe latex is the most common, can be found in several over-the-counter drugs used as a mild laxative.

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