The consumption of junk food and obesity, are often connected by several reasons. Junk food is affordable and attractive for all the general low-income people than they can be cheaper than health food. Fast Food, located near people's homes and businesses in a number of useful fast food restaurants, especially since it is easy to obtain. Junk food is high calorie, fat consists mostly of sugar, and they lack the necessary vitamins and nutrients for good health most. The only junk food is usually very high in calories but they are not often consumption.Some excess calories, experts link between obesity and junk food, mostly low-cost fast food junk-food products that offer a very large portion size seems to be recommended for that. Low cost of junk food, low-income people, which means that we often at high risk of obesity becomes more affordable it is more healthful foods. The cost of junk food, while the cost of healthy food can be maintained relatively stable, often climbs rapidly with time. Fast food is food that between some of the easiest to get, the researchers of the fast food restaurant about 200 yards (182.8 meters) who live within 2-5% more likely to suffer obesity It was suggested that high. In addition, fast food, but easy to get service restaurant that drive growth, by a convenient choice to reveal a number of fast food meals. Children's play area in the presence of fast food outlets, many of these high-calorie foods look attractive to resist eating healthy food children may put pressure on parents of more junk food as you can.