Colon bowel syndrome an anti-inflammatory also called irritable (APT). Often cause diarrhea, colitis an anti-inflammatory or constipation. May be constant, add to the discomfort of those affected by pain in the stomach. Those with colon an anti-inflammatory may also suffer from frequent urges defecate and very painful spasms during bowel evacuation. Other symptoms include fatigue, weight loss and dehydration if recurrent diarrhoea. colon cramps often have no known cause. Sometimes, a viral disease can cause colon bot, has an anti-inflammatory solution in three to six months. Infection can mimic of parasitic elements, when aundiagnosid, an anti-inflammatory, often colon tend to produce what seems to be association with diarrhea. Also, some antibiotics can cause an imbalance in the "good" bacteria, which helps in digestion and bowel management. Usually this balance is restored in a few months. If someone several months of pain in stomach, either continuous or constipation diarrhea, blood samples do doctors rule out other possible causes such as parasitic infections. You can also verify the stool samples for parasitaemia and will take time to verify any briditirmining risk factors such as the recent bout with stomach or viral disease recently using antibiotics. In rare cases, colonoscopy may also, though usually a diagnosis of colon cramps by default.