Scientifically known as Gino valgom, a knocknis angle at which the lower legs. When someone with severe knocknis and stand with legs or entirely and straightened, would touch on the knees, ankles, but won't. A similar situation, known as booligs, when the angle of knees outward, so that doesn't touch when someone stands with feet together. booligs or weknocknis a natural part of child development. Usually appears slightly bowlegged children during the first three years of life. Will two or three, about the age of a certain knocknis as they learn to walk correctly. Knocknis regular development generally corrected by age five or six, and in some cases, however, knocknis may worsen or persist in late childhood. Children are very high risk weight for fixed knocknis and legs inward may tend to support the extra weight. In addition, could contribute to diseases such as rickets or aostiomilitis to knocknis.