Attention deficit disorder, or the disruption, neurological and behavioural condition can be extremely disruptive for the patient and his family. Usually found in children of school age, is a serious disorder and often requires careful planning and treatment Department. Disruptive behavior is often hard to classify, is easily confused with natural haisbiritid activity in children. Clearly some symptoms progress beyond simple high energy, and should be considered carefully if a repeated or habitual issues. behavior disorder characterized model several sets of problems or symptoms. The wartaashat are two main categories may manifest themselves in different ways. Joint symptoms include inattention appearance that you are not listening on someone was able to follow instructions or keep chronic instructions and oblivion. This is also linked to behavior over-concentration, that person becomes so focused on one thing which might not hear see or notice other things around it was a very common behavior disorder in cases involving children. Restlessness, excessive problems with coherent conversations, difficulty sitting for long periods and can all be symptoms associated with the disorder. Tremor is often easily visible while you listen to someone speak; children or adults with the disorder may speak in long monologues, but moving from topic to topic or act very quickly. He is also joint dislocation behavior is able to listen to another person in a conversation or allow others to complete sentences before talking.