When the Smart Money Starts to Panic and Head for the Hills, It Is Always Wise to Pay Attention . . .
Bill Gross, Carl Icahn, and Seth Klarman didn't become that rich by ignoring the "writing on the wall."
So you should heed the warnings of these billionaires that an economic catastrophe is quickly approaching.
Two Economic Bubbles Nobody Is Talking About Are About to Burst.
And when they do, the aftermath could be even worse than what transpired in 2008.
According to the smart money experts, we could see:
* Unemployment levels higher than the Great Depression.
* A stock market plunge of 50% OR MORE that may eradicate life savings and retirement funds.
* A second housing crisis drastically more severe than the one we've just lived through could leave a sea of empty homes in every neighborhood.
Do you understand what could be coming? Do you know what steps you need to take to ready yourself? And do you know how to protect your wealth in the troubling times ahead?
I want to be sure that your answer is a confident YES to each of these questions.
Mega-billionaires like Bil Gross, Carl Icahn, and Seth Klarman are taking the appropriate measures to protect themselves from a possible upcoming meltdown. You would be smart to follow their lead.
On a final note, here is an excerpt which shows that now is the time to act.
“Gold is still worldwide, the last valid payment method. Paper-money will not be accepted in a extreme crisis. Gold will always be accepted.“ - Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve.
http://vur.me/wallyp/yk If you feel you need to protect your hard earned networth,