Author Topic: The Infamous $10 Profit Plans - Earn Money While You Snore  (Read 1121 times)

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The Infamous $10 Profit Plans - Earn Money While You Snore
« on: October 12, 2011, 01:51:02 PM »
Here's Your Own AUTOMATIC Online Profit Generator:

Discover How You Can Make Your Bank Account Spit Out
$10.00 Bills Over And Over Again With 5 Different Methods!

Have you heard the phrase... "Work Smarter Not Harder"

Or how about... "Sell Higher Priced Products To Cut Down Your Work-Load"

Well, you are about to discover why those phrases pose a more difficult scenario
than you might think right on this very page. So, if you've been struggling to make
money selling information products, or digital products, then I urge you to
continue reading.

Every once in a while you will hear from many an online digital info product seller that
you must sell higher priced items to decrease your workload. But, do you realize how
difficult selling a $80-$150 product really is?!?

If you have not "made a name" for yourself, or you are someone just beginning in the
info-product industry, or even someone fairly known, it will still be quite impossible
for you to gain the trust of customers to shell out that kind of money.
Especially to someone they've never heard of before.

That is why to see any money when you begin, you must set your goals lower.
Yes. I said l-o-w-e-r. Bet you never thought you'd hear someone tell you
that, huh?!?

But it's the honest to goodness truth. If you hope to see any type of cash
flow from selling info products online, then you must be realistic about how
much you will be able to earn. And in "The Infamous $10.00 Profit Plans"
ebook, you will learn not one, not two, but five different methods to pull in
$10.00 bills over and over again. It reveals surefire techniques that will generate
a viral profit storm for you on autopilot! Don't let the "Infamous" title put
you off -- all the methods described are 100% legal, ethical, honest and,
above all, very profitable!

Why? Because these methods have been proven to work.
Time and time again. And that's the first step to success.
Having methods available to you that will get the job done.

It is much more logical, and much easier, to get a stranger to invest
$10.00 in one of the products you are selling than it would be to get
him to part with, say, $100.00. Would you give one hundred dollars
to someone you've never met before and who was in business for
himself? Doubtful.

But, if you were asked for just $10.00 for some type of product you wanted,
would you be less worried about parting with it? Of course! Because it's a
very small investment. That's the psychology behind these methods.
And they do work. Maybe not every time, but most of the time they will.

To find out more about The Infamous $10 Profit Plans
and to download the FREE ebook, go to:

1,000 Leads Daily - 3 Day Risk Free Trial

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P.S. Do you want to see how we made $14,178.00 Dollars Last Month?

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