Author Topic: {10 Free Adsense $ Amazon $500/Month Christmas Niches.} 9 Left!  (Read 1141 times)

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{10 Free Adsense $ Amazon $500/Month Christmas Niches.} 9 Left!
« on: September 18, 2012, 12:37:52 AM »
 Hello Fellow Warriors,

   It’s right about that time of the year when over 400 Million Internet users open up their Credit Cards to buy online. During Christmas, statistics shows that over 400 Million internet users makes at least one or two purchases online during this Holiday period.
   Does these rings out something in you? Well, if it doesn’t for you, it does for me as I am into Creating Christmas Niches that can easily rank before Christmas and gives me the opportunity of Bank in Some Cash during this period. If you understand what I mean, then you will realize that what I am about to give out for Free for Warrior is the Real deal you need to make $$$ online come this Christmas.
   I am not going to bore you with sales copy or shit like such. If you really understand what Adsense and Amazon Niches means during this period of the year, I am sure you will not hesitate to join onboard as I am taking just only 10 Warriors.

   I will be able to offer creating a Free Niche website for only 10 Warriors here who will follow my instructions and pay me nothing.
   You will pay me nothing for this Service. If Free!
   You must follow any instruction given you during and after the creation of this niche to help you rank as soon as possible. However, these instructions are not anything stupid or ridiculous. It’s just to make sure you earn from your niche website.
   You must decide to either Flip the website at  before December or continue its use personally and provide me the earning Stats by December 30th. Reason is that I am going to use your site for experimenting earning potentials in preparation for my BIG LAUNCH of such service come 2013.
   You must be willing to give me review when need arises and I contact you for such. Your honest review about the Niche Service I have rended you.
If you agree to this list of conditions above, then you are my preferred client.
How to Get your Free Adsense or Amazon Christmas Niche website

Please note that I am only giving out:
5 Adsense Christmas Niche Website.
 5 Amazon Christmas Niche Store Website.

   Open your email and send me a Message on getniche (at) iNicheMan (dot) com in the format I listed below.
 “replace at with @ and dot with the regular .”

Email Subject: WF Free Christmas Niche Website
Adsense or Amazon:

*    I’ll do a keyword research and find a potential Christmas micro niche which is low competitive. Either Amazon or Adsense niche.

*     The keyword will have at least 1000 - 1500+ Exact USA Searches

* or or will be available. This exact keyword domain will make you get top position in weeks. You have to purchase the domain and hosting after receiving my instructions and following it accordingly. Then let me know the Cpanel details. If you don’t want to reveal the cpanel details, just install wordpress and watch me making a Christmas money machine!

*     The keyword will have atleast $1.00 Avg. CPC.

You niche website will be ready 72 hours from receiving your hosting and domain details. Else, I will communicate with you if need be that there will be a delay in the site coming up 72hours time frame.
   However, please remember that I am doing this only for 10 warriors and Fast Finger comes first. First come first serve! My only wish is that I only do this for newbie and not gurus who are already making money online. .


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