Lets get started by giving away this useful but addictive little bit of a gem software, called Headline Analyzer?
What is the Headline Analyzer?
This free tool will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score. As you know, reaching your customers in an deep and emotional way is a key to successful copywriting, and your headline is unquestionably the most important piece of copy you use to reach prospects.
Your headline will be analyzed and scored based on the total number of EMV words it has in relation to the total number of words it contains. This will determine the EMV score of your headline.
In addition to the EMV score, You will find out which emotion inside your customer's your headline most impacts:
I love this, I remember the first time I tried it I spent hours and hours until I feel a sleep lol
Here is the link, get it right now and try it, but best of all enjoy using and if you come with 100% PLEASE DO LET ME KNOW AND DON`T KEEP IT TO YOUR SELF...
http://www.aminstitute.com/headline/Cheers and all the best,
Frederick Miller AKA misterdmiller