This week we intend to introduce you different types of free WordPress themes. And we’ve showed top 5 fashion WordPress themes, top 5 news WordPress theme, top 5 free business wordpres themes. Besides, we also introduce you Sillver – Free & Responsive WordPress Themes for Personal Websites and Blogging. Here it will showcase
top 5 free music WordPress themes. Don’t miss theme if you want your own personal music blog or band websites.
Music Plus PusicPlus is an amazing free WordPress theme based on SMT Framework 2.0. It comes with two sidebars, vertical menu, slider, custom widgets and lot of other powerful features. This free theme is SEO optimized and translation ready , and great solution for blog about music.
Harmony Harmony is a clean WordPress theme with that’s perfect for bands and musicians. This theme comes with bold and features big and beautiful background images, ability to play songs, handle events, upload photo galleries and sell merchandise. In a word, it includes all of the features that a band would need.
MusicSense MusicSense is a free and mobile-friendly Word Press theme that’s suitable for any niche, including music and band. It comes with featured content option, shortcodes + shortcode generator in the editor, 4+ custom page templates and supports the post thumbnails.
HipHop HipHop is a
free WordPress music themes with lots of useful features like custom widgets, feedback form, slider, video supporting and many other features. Built on SMT Framework 2.0, this theme is responsive and translation ready.
Musica Musica WordPress theme is great for blogs about classical music, orchestras and bands. It includes lots of useful features and provides a great base to build amazing website, such as custom widget, custom sidebars, social share bar, etc.