Having released new extension versions of Advanced Navigation and LightCheckout, which improves the checkout and navigation processes of your Magento stores, GoMage team decides to refresh video of these significant extensions and update it on youtube resource.
Please, pay accurate attention to new abilities and features of LightCheckout extension and Advanced Navigation one. The video blocks includes popup hints and tips at the bottom of the video in order to clear up the new innovations of the extensions.
Analyzing the customers’ needs, we think that video is the best way to display new opportunities of Magento extension by GoMage. Easy, fast and comfortable way to see what you want and come to a positive feedback whether you need it or not. But you need it!
Please, enjoy our videos on Youtube:
Advanced Navigation by GoMage:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCNmJi08vWkLightCheckout by GoMage:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibDiWrsPMGwBut we would like to make you more surprised and interested in our next video. Everybody knows that Magento sphere is not an easy one without the correct guide for configuration of your Magento store.
Sometimes it is difficult to set up your
Layered Navigation or your One Page Checkout. You are looking for the instructions and often they are not clear for you. We are going to provide you with the new idea by GoMage: Useful video guide, which will help you to cope with your
Magento Navigation and One Step checkout process.
It is coming soon! Don’t be the last, who will get to know about video instructions for LightCheckout and Advanced Navigation extensions.