If an investor trades through a broker , whenever the investor wants to send an order to buy or sell shares, keep telling what you want to buy or sell . After this step , the broker must enter the order that the trading platform . If the online , he can directly order to introduce trading platform that order being placed immediately at the market. In this case , the investor does not have to contact a broker who loves forwarded , and this process lasts less investing in the stock market. Depending on the evolution of the exchange, investors may wish often rapidly changing orders that have been sent . This can be done more easily by an investor who trade online and who can see already sent orders and executed than an investor trades through a broker you need to contact him , the broker will then modify that order . In many cases , if these changes are not fast enough, they can not be made because orders can be executed as they were sent , or you may lose the opportunity to make the desired transaction . 10971