They are not a scam... I prefer to call them a money
I was involved first with Wukar, when Tony, Randy and Matt Trainer were all a big happy family. They got me involved with Dubli and Dubli Network, which sounded great until the money wasn't coming in, month after month, and Dublinetwork was asking $99./month for my participation.
Tony and Randy left Wukar for reasons unknown in December and formed Home Business Labs.
I remained a member of both for several months but they provided me with very little value for money spent. Basically pay more to get up to the next level (Pro or platinum or gold or whatever). Lots of reworked training videos to watch and new affiliate accounts to open in order to do what was needed to succeed.
There have been ENDLESS 'changes of direction' from both Wukar and Home Business Labs which always seem to cost me something or result in a delay of what is supposed to be my path to riches. Neither are associated with Dubli anymore as Dubli Network just doesn't produce income as promised unless you just sell more business affiliate memberships.
Net result ? Since August 2014....... $5000+ spent and $90 income received.